Tag: progress


I’ve spent the week working on the piece for the Park Hill show. I’ve been in the labs working on After Effects, and I’ve found it to be a good experience getting out of the studio and into the labs. There’s less distraction. I’ve tracked the pinch-to-zoom gesture by hand from 2mins of footage, and am now trying to figure out what the background image could be. It could be map, or it could be microscope, or it could be satellite image, or it could be illustration. For satellite image, I’m looking through LiDAR and Landsat images that are freely available from USGS. For microscope, I’m meeting the Controller of Microscopes tomorrow. I did a test with a vector grid drawn in Illustrator, and it wasn’t so successful – this might need more work. I’m also looking at 3D modelling approaches, using points gathered from multiple photographs, and from other ways of generating landscape-style vector tesselations.

It’s curious that at the first opportunity, my instinct is to move toward maps, cartography, landscape, GIS, etc. It was there in the Epicentres book and it’s there in a lot of the work from Norway. Landscape coming back to haunt me, this time as data.