I spent the morning doing some admin, organising a few deadlines into my calendar, contacting an accountant, and doing some tidying up. Then the rest of the day was spent pursuing an idea I had about foregrounding the screen of a phone by putting droplets of water on it.

The idea came from an accidental sneeze on my phone a while ago: I was seduced and repulsed by the magnification of the pixels. I took some footage which didn’t really work that well, and then I had to modify the stills a little to make the colour seem as bright as it is to the eye. I am not entirely convinced by any of this, but it might be a start. If I can get the macro lens on it, something interesting might emerge.

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I spent the evening into the night working on the website. I converted and prepared a lot of archive video for upload, but will need to get them all lined up before buying a month’s worth of Vimeo Plus. I’m getting pretty sick of theme wrangling though. The Hatch theme that I have spent so long hacking to get the type sorted looks dreadful at page level: everything is misaligned, videos are 100% width, because of some messy embed code. It’s a dog’s dinner and I am pretty disheartened by it. I’m seriously thinking of just buying a theme to get the job done. It feels like such an important part of how I present my practice that I want to get it right.