Spent the early part of the day working on a proposal for a screening at Chisenhale. The work that fitted the theme of the show needed a little reediting and retitling so I spent the morning getting that done.
The afternoon was spent working on the visualisations shown above. These are all based on mouse pointer location data, and represent the same period of time and the same usage. They all look a bit unsurprising. I’m keen to get into a position where the visualisations don’t look like Casey Reas work from 13 years ago. They also abstract a bit too much from the actual thing I am inquiring into in these works: friction, the friction between hand and the surface of the device that is only sensed at the margins of attention.
The Gravity talk today was by Stephen Wilson, and he spoke about a number of themes that are relevant to my practice. It was a slightly condensed talk, that covered a lot of different points without connecting them up too well, but he did mention that Marc AugĂ© has a new book out (now ordered) and that the curatorial statement for the Taipei Biennial seems like it might be useful for me to look at. Nick Bourriaud seems now to be talking about accelerationism more than altermodernism or relational aesthetics, and it seems like a good idea for me to stay up to speed with what he’s saying.