Today was mainly spent working on the visualisation for the method conference. I’ve been doing the coding in Processing and up to a point that was fine. Today I hit the wall though, when I realised that it just wasn’t able to read the data accurately enough to play back multiple events per second at tenth of a second accuracy. So, I started looking into oF in earnest.
I already have an old install which I never really got working, so I spent a while making that work and getting a bit more used to Xcode. I did a tutorial and read through a lot of example code. It’s totally different to java and it’s going to be very slow going to get up to speed with it.
Not sure whether to try and make the method conference thing work in oF or to stick with Processing. Both strategies run the risk of my having an unfinished project by the deadline. I also found a course running at the end of March, which might be a good way to get started on oF.
The visualisation doesn’t look like much at the moment. I feel the urge to see some visible progress so might park the method work tomorrow in favour of something a bit more visual.